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Most of you know about this well-known game so I won't talk about it anymore. Flappy Bird is a simple game but it has become remarkable in 2014 when it topped the download ranking on a lot of app stores such as Apple Store, Google Play ...
This game is not really complicated. Many people found it too simple. Therefore, it is suitable for you to get started with designing the game on Unity3D. Now I will give you a detailed guide to create a Flappy Bird-like game in Unity3D.
(Application is created by unity3d 5.6.2f1)
In case having any problems, you can refer to my project:
Part 1: Create a Project and create Object (obj) Flappy Bird
First, you open software unity3D and create a new project and name it FlappyBird. We choose the 2D platform.
You now load the compressed file including image and sound mentioned in this article.
After loading, extract the file.
Next, create the folders like in the screen.
After that, enter the necessary files that have been loaded in accordance with the folders by dragging and dropping from the file browser to unity.
Next, in the Flappy Bird Sprite, look at the inspector and select multiple in sprite part.
Then, press sprite editor. Apply it if a box shows.
In the edit image box, select slice and press slice
After slicing, close the window. Apply if a box shows.
Press Ctrl+Shift+B to open the build setting window. Choose android và press switch flatform.
Then adjust the resolution to 480x800.
Look at the folder sprite-flappybird sprites, expand it. You find the bird images (I select the blue bird) when flying and arrange in the animation order.
After that, keep pressing ctrl and click the mouse to select them. Drag and drop them in Scene.
An animation screen will show. We will save them in the animation folder and name it Flapping.
Rename it flappy bird to follow easily.
Press ctrl+6 to show animation frame.
Press flapping and select create new clip.
Save this animation in the folder animation and name it died.
You find the frowned bird image, and drag it into the animation frame.
Press window above and click animator.
Wait for the animator window showing, right-click at flapping and select make transition. Create transition from flapping to died.
Press parameters. Press + to create a condition, select bool and name it died.
Press the arrow and select +. This is the condition to make animation change flapping into died.
Press obj Flappy Bird, look at the sprite renderer, and fill 10 in order in layer.
Part 2: Create BackGround(BG) và write script to control flappy bird.
Drag and drop BG Day into the scene frame. Then customize the size to look good. Similar to the Flappy Bird obj, customize BG's order in layer to -5. This allows obj Flappy Bird overlap our wallpaper when you open the game.
Get back obj Flappy Bird, press Add Component-physics2D-Rigidbody2D.
This component allows obj to get the force of gravity.
Next, press Add Component-physics2D-polygon collider2D.
This component allows recognizing the collisions between objs.
In the assests part, open script folder and then right-click -create-c#script. Name it bird.
Double click to open the file.
Copy this code snippet.// những gì được viết như thế này là lời giải thích
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
publicclassbird :MonoBehaviour{
publicfloat jumpforce =4.1f;// khai báo lực (để tác dụng lên chim)
Rigidbody2D mybody;//khai báo rigidbody2D
Animator myanim;//khai báo animator
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myanim = GetComponent<Animator> ();//làm rõ
mybody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();//làm rõ
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate (){
birdjump ();
void birdjump(){
if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){//nếu người chơi nhấn thì...
mybody.velocity =newVector2 (mybody.velocity.x, jumpforce);//...truyền một lực
Press ctrl+s to save.
Get back unity, drag and drop this file bird to obj Flappy Bird to add this component bird to obj Flappy Bird.
Press play to test.
Get back script bird and copy this code snippet
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
publicclassbird :MonoBehaviour{
publicfloat jumpforce =4.1f;// khai báo lực (để tác dụng lên chim)
Rigidbody2D mybody;//khai báo rigidbody2D
Animator myanim;//khai báo animator
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myanim = GetComponent<Animator> ();//làm rõ
mybody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();//làm rõ
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate (){
birdjump ();
void birdjump(){
float angel;//tạo biến góc
if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){//nếu người chơi nhấn thì...
mybody.velocity =newVector2 (mybody.velocity.x, jumpforce);//...truyền một lực
if (mybody.velocity.y >0) {
angel= Mathf.Lerp (0,90, mybody.velocity.y/7); //biến góc được tính bởi hàm lerp
transform.rotation =Quaternion.Euler (0,0, angel); //xoay nhân vật dựa theo biến góc
}elseif (mybody.velocity.y <=0) {
angel =Mathf.Lerp (0, -90, -mybody.velocity.y/7);
transform.rotation =Quaternion.Euler (0,0, angel);
Save it.
Continue to edit script bird, this time is for sound.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
publicclassbird :MonoBehaviour{
publicfloat jumpforce =4.1f;// khai báo lực (để tác dụng lên chim)
Rigidbody2D mybody;//khai báo rigidbody2D
Animator myanim;//khai báo animator
AudioSource audio;
publicAudioClip ping, die, flapping;//khai báo các file âm thanh
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myanim = GetComponent<Animator> ();//làm rõ
mybody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();//làm rõ
audio = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate (){
birdjump ();
void birdjump(){
float angel;
if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){//nếu người chơi nhấn thì...
mybody.velocity =newVector2 (mybody.velocity.x, jumpforce);//...truyền một lực
audio.PlayOneShot (flapping); //chạy file flapping
if (mybody.velocity.y >0) {
angel= Mathf.Lerp (0,90, mybody.velocity.y/7);
transform.rotation =Quaternion.Euler (0,0, angel);
}elseif (mybody.velocity.y <=0) {
angel =Mathf.Lerp (0, -90, -mybody.velocity.y/7);
transform.rotation =Quaternion.Euler (0,0, angel);
save and get back unity.
At obj Flappy Bird, add component-audio-audio source.
Drag and drop sound file Fly to the blank flapping of component bird (script).
Part 3: Work with button
By the same way, we can run game with a mouse but it doesn’t work in other devices. Thus, we need use buttons.
Copy this code snippet.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
publicclassbird :MonoBehaviour{
publicfloat jumpforce =4.1f;// khai báo lực (để tác dụng lên chim)
Rigidbody2D mybody;//khai báo rigidbody2D
Animator myanim;//khai báo animator
AudioSource audio;
publicAudioClip ping, die, flapping;//khai báo các file âm thanh
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myanim = GetComponent<Animator> ();//làm rõ
mybody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();//làm rõ
audio = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate (){
float angel;
if (mybody.velocity.y >0) {
angel= Mathf.Lerp (0,90, mybody.velocity.y/7);
transform.rotation =Quaternion.Euler (0,0, angel);
}elseif (mybody.velocity.y <=0) {
angel =Mathf.Lerp (0, -90, -mybody.velocity.y/7);
transform.rotation =Quaternion.Euler (0,0, angel);
publicvoid birdjump(){
mybody.velocity =newVector2 (mybody.velocity.x, jumpforce);//...truyền một lực
audio.PlayOneShot (flapping); //chạy file flapping
save it.
Next, right-click-UI-Button
Delete the text because we don’t need it.
Look the inspector window of canvas. Adjust render mode to screen space-camera. Then drag and drop main camera to the blank.
Adjust UI scale mode like the screenshot.
And then customize the button size to be bigger.
Change the button color into transparent.
Tro Choi Flappy Bird
At button, look on click and press +.
Drag and drop Flappy Bird to the blank.
No Function-bird-birdjump()
Download Game Flappy Bird Ve May Tinh 2
Part 4: Create Obstacles
First, right-click and select create empty, and name it pipe.
Drag and drop the obstacles pipe sprite into the scene. Name it downpipe. You can customize the scale.
Do the same to have an uppipe. (Scale y is a negative number so you can overturn the sprite)
Add polygon collider2D into 2 pipes.
Continue to create empty and name it space. This works as stealth obj between two pipes to check when Flappy Bird flies across.
Add box collider2D to obj space.
Tick the box is trigger.
Use Edit Collider to customize the size.
Press untagged and select add tag. Press + and fill pipe.
Get back 2 obj pipe, in the tag part, click untagged and select tag pipe.
Similarly, add tag space to obj space.
We also create an obj for the ground. Drag and drop the ground sprite and name it land. Add polygon collider2D and add tag pipe into it.
Drag and drop 3 obj uppipe, downpipe, and space to obj pipe. This makes them become obj pipe’s obi children.
In the assests folder, create a folder with the name prefabs.
Drag and drop obj pipe into folder prefabs.
Now you can delete obj pipe because you can get it in the folder prefabs.
You create empty name it spawner. This obj creates pipes.
Game Flappy Bird Online
Create 2 files c# script and name them pipe and spawner.
Copy this code snippet to pipe
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
publicclasspipe :MonoBehaviour{
publicfloat speed =3;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
Destroy (gameObject,5f);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Vector3 temp = transform.position;
temp.x -= speed *Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = temp;
Copy this code snippet to spawner
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
publicclassspawner :MonoBehaviour{
float x =0;
publicGameObject pipe;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (x50) {
x = 0;
Instantiate (pipe,newVector3(3,Random.Range (-1.1f,3.7f),0),Quaternion.identity);
Add component script pipe to obj pipe (in prefabs).
Add component script spawner to obj spawner.
Drag and drop obj pipe from file prefabs to the blank.
Copy this code snippet to bird.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
publicclassbird :MonoBehaviour{
publicfloat jumpforce =4.1f;// khai báo lực (để tác dụng lên chim)
Rigidbody2D mybody;//khai báo rigidbody2D
Animator myanim;//khai báo animator
AudioSource audio;
publicAudioClip ping, die, flapping;//khai báo các file âm thanh
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myanim = GetComponent<Animator> ();//làm rõ
mybody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();//làm rõ
audio = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate (){
float angel;
if (mybody.velocity.y >0) {
angel= Mathf.Lerp (0,90, mybody.velocity.y/7);
transform.rotation =Quaternion.Euler (0,0, angel);
}elseif (mybody.velocity.y <=0) {
angel =Mathf.Lerp (0, -90, -mybody.velocity.y/7);
transform.rotation =Quaternion.Euler (0,0, angel);
publicvoid birdjump(){
if(myanim.GetBool('died')==false){//nếu như died là false
mybody.velocity =newVector2 (mybody.velocity.x, jumpforce);//...truyền một lực
audio.PlayOneShot (flapping); //chạy file flapping
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other){
if (other.gameObject.tag 'space') {//va chạm space
audio.PlayOneShot (ping);
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other){
if (other.gameObject.tag 'pipe') {
myanim.SetBool ('died',true);// biến died là true
audio.PlayOneShot (die);
Due to the limited length of the article, I had to divide my article into two parts. You can check out the rest of this article here!